Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Doctor's Visit

4 Drills to help you become a better scorer here are two of them straight from the pages of Dime Magazine. It's my second installment of training features for the magazine. Hopefully they will keep coming to me for the best training tips!! For the other two drills, come see me or go to Barnes and Noble and pick up a copy for your own use. See Agent Zero on the Cover. Watch Agent Zero torch Kobe and the Lakers for 60 below.

Doctors Visit

I am all healed up from my visit to the Doctor I was a little nervous going in, but I think I survived and lived to tell about it.

Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work Hard

For all those who complain about recruiting, and that the other team has bigger, stronger and faster players I offer the following piece of evidence to prove that if you really worked as hard as you claim to, the results would speak for themselves. You can do it, you just have to get serious about your mental and physical preparation. "There are others with arguably more talent. What makes him special is his ability to prepare himself mentally and physically in the off-season." Give yourself a chance!!