Thursday, October 16, 2008

Today's Debate

The worst decision is indecision, and unfortunately too many are undecided about how successful they want to be this upcoming season and in life. Have you debated staying after practice to work on your weaknesses? Have you contemplated changing your mode of preparation based on the fact that you didn't get the results you were looking for last time? Is it possible there is a better way of doing things that you didn't come up with? Let's debate a couple of controversial topics....

Candidate #1 what's your position on pre-season conditioning?

Well if I were in charge of pre-season conditioning I would make the players run 3 miles every day. This will provide us with great endurance and allow us to finish strong in the fourth quarter. After we finish running 3 miles we go into the weight-room and follow the Nebraska Football training program that helped them win games during the 70's. Since this program worked for them I am confident it will work for us.

Candidate #2 what's your position on pre-season conditioning?

Well if I were in charge of pre-season conditioning I would make sure that players were conditioning their "anaerobic" energy system which consists of repeated powerful and explosive movements with a minimal recovery time. Utilizing the anaerobic energy system will give the players the most realistic approach to training in game-like conditions. As far as strength training during this time of year I would focus on developing maximum power and explosiveness instead of focusing on strength development which usually takes place in the off-season rather than the pre-season.

Candidate #1 what's  your advice to your athlete's regarding successful eating habits?

Well since I don't see my players all the time I really don't get the opportunity to offer much advice. We do however usually stop at McDonald's on the way home from away games and when we have early games I usually give the players a few dollars to get something from Dunkin Donuts or 7 Eleven. They are pretty much on their own when it comes to food.

Candidate #2 what's your advice to athlete's regarding successful eating habits?

Treat your body like an engine. Stay hydrated, drink lots of water and stay away from foods high in sugar and salt. Make sure you are getting the right amount of calories for energy and protein for muscle repair. As pre-season progresses your body is going to break down since you are expending a tremendous amount of energy. Eat five to six small meals a day.

Candidate #1 What are 5 things each of your players should do before practice starts?

Well, we don't have any requirements other than be on time. Most of our players get their right before practice starts. If they happen to get there early we usually let them practice half court shots, play one-on one, catch up on current events, call mom or dad, or just sit and talk.

Candidate # 2 What are 5 things each of your players should do before practice starts?

First get there early, practice is at 3 you should be there in time to get mentally and physically prepared, work on your weaknesses, treat any nagging injuries, ask coach about today's practice plan, get with your teammates and plan to have an intense and highly competitive practice.

If you are an NBA All-Star and/or NBA World Champion then you can do this after practice:

or this:

Move over Sheed: