Thursday, July 24, 2008



1. a supposition; uncertain possibility
2. a condition, requirement, or stipulation
3. ifs, ands, or buts, reservations, restrictions, or excuses

“If he or she gets stronger this summer”

“If that player works on their jump-shot they could be unstoppable”

“If there weren’t 10 players on our bench in addition to the five on the court I would be getting much more playing time”

“If I do open gym, summer league or AAU I am working on my game”

“If I lift weights, it will mess up my shot”

“If I bench, and do curls my coach says I will get stronger and he will play me more minutes next year”

“If I train with the football coach, or go to a speed school that will improve my basketball game”

“If I workout really hard early in the morning, I won’t have enough energy to cherry pick in my summer league game tonight”

“If I don’t workout today, I can always do it tomorrow”

“If I squat my coach says it’s bad for my knees”

“If I’m 13 and I do weight training and plyometrics it will stunt my growth”

“If I get a part-time job this summer then I won’t have to work on my game”

“If I spend time working on my strengths rather than my weaknesses, my strengths are what people will notice most”

“If you get earrings and tattoos, it gives you instant street credibility and puts fear in your opponents heart”

“If I wear my pants so low you can see my boxers it looks really cool”

“If my shirt has no sweat after a workout, it’s because my body doesn’t really sweat. I was working hard”

Yes, I’ve heard them all and it’s only June. I am quite sure I will hear many more this summer!

1 comment:

EboRâguebi said...

One Small Blog, a small region of a small country that "speaks" a BIG SPORT - RUGBY.
