Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On The Map

Ok, so we are approaching November....NBA starts tomorrow, College Basketball starts in a few more weeks and high school soon after that. It's an exciting time of year for the basketball enthusiast. Some of you guys are dragging in your workouts, pick it up, pick it up. Everybody always has the greatest drills and the most insane conditioning program and they are convinced that is what is going to propel them to championship form this season. Time will tell. If you haven't done enough to prepare that will be on display fairly soon... so use the time you have left wisely.
Here are few more drills you can add to your arsenal:

Speaking of High School and College do you have the ability to put your school on the map? What will they say about you and your time on the team? Did you leave a legacy, will your team go down as one of the all-time greats or not? Everyone always wants to go to a powerhouse school, but how many people have the ability and the desire to make their respective team a powerhouse? My Dad used to always say if you're good they will find you, I guess he was right.

Let's take a look at a few examples of what I mean:

Lincoln High School Dallas TX

Central Catholic High School Cleveland OH

West Forsyth High School Clemmons NC

Richards High School Oak Lawn IL

Central High School Hayneville AL

Shooting Homework Assignment

Form Shooting 3 Spots Make 10 Swishes M, L, R
Ball must go straight through not touching rim

5 Spot Shooting:

5 Spots L, R Corner, L, R, Wing, Top
Pattern is Corner, Corner, Wing, Wing, Top
First Time Catch and Shoot Three
Second Time Shot Fake One Dribble Pull-Up
Third Time Shot Fake One Dribble Lay-Up

Must complete pattern in 1 minute
Score 3 for 3's, 2 for Jumpers, 1 for Lay-Ups

1 and 1 free throws, make both water
miss first or second 5 full court sprints then water break

5 Spot Shooting 
Make 10 catch and shoot jumpers in your range(where you can make it)
Keep track of your results
Goal is to make 40 out of 50

water break

Dribble Series Transition Lay-Ups
Make 25 Lay-ups on Right and Left Side
from behind half court game speed dribble move at half court
move at elbow

in and out stutter and cross 5  R-L and L-R
between the legs cross 5  R-L and L-R
around the back 5  R-L and L-R
hop back 5  R-L and L-R
spin dribble 5 R-L and L-R

Water and leave the gym satisfied!!

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